True Tough | To become the best group of Ukraine | interview after Live | Rakurs Records

@truetough – Kyiv metal/hardcore band. The boys won a poll from @NeformatMedia where you could ask your questions. The interview after Live is a conversation where we get to know more about the band, this interview is incredibly useful: music, experience, advice, in fact a step-by-step guide for young bands. So, we wish you a good viewing! Subscribe to our YouTube channel, leave comments and like. It helps grow the channel and supports us and also gives an understanding of the direction we are moving.

00:00-00:53 Intro
00:53-01:12 Greetings
01:12-06:04 About the material brought to Live
06:04-08:24 “Our demands on ourselves have grown a lot”
08:24-16:48 How do True Tough create songs?
16:48-19:55 How long is True Tough over the songs?
19:55-26:05 Nice city. EXCLUSIVE!
26:05-27:34 Review of Rakurs Records studio
27:34-38:30 How the band came together. About tours. Lots of tips for beginners.
38:30-41:41 Is the number of people at a concert important?
41:41-45:19 “Organizers should appreciate the bands they cooperate with”
45:19-46:17 “People will not look for you, you must find them yourself!”
46:17-49:09 Who has what duties in the band?
49:09-56:57 About the atmosphere at the performances
56:57-57:52 Question from Neformat. When will you come to Poltava?
57:52-59:24 About secret chats

59:24-01:01:42 Metaphors and meanings in Shellshock
01:01:42-01:03:16 What do Roman’s tattoos mean?
01:03:16-01:03:29 What do you like about the tough scene in Ukraine?
01:03:29-01:05:31 How did the band’s soloist learn extreme vocals?
01:05:31-01:08:01 Top 3 bands that influenced you as a musician
01:08:01-01:08:31 When is the album?
01:08:31-01:09:22 The highest fee
01:09:22-01:09:32 Does the band have a slogan?
01:09:32-01:09:49 If you could play in any city, where would it be?
01:09:49-01:10:45 What advice would you give to young bands?
01:10:45-01:12:24 What is your dream?
01:12:24-01:13:01 Invitation to “Fine…”
01:13:01-01:13:52 For Khrystyna Solova
01:13:52-01:13:56 Subtitles

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